Every effort will be made to ensure that the locomotive, rolling stock, route and timings which are hired in from third parties, will run as advertised. However, the organisers reserve the right to alter these details at any time and shall not incur any liability to any person who has bought, or contracted to buy a ticket or tickets, as a result of any such changes. There may be occasional re-scheduling or re-routing of a train. Please note whilst every effort will be made to ensure the use of the advertised steam locomotive the organisers reserve the right to substitute a different steam locomotive or in exceptional circumstances, a diesel locomotive on occasions should it be required, for operational reasons, which would have to be accepted, no refunds will be offered for changes to advertised locomotives.
All reasonable efforts, within the control of the organisers, will be made to ensure that on the day of the trip, the train runs as planned. However, we cannot accept any responsibility for delays, mishaps, alterations or curtailment of the tour from situations outside of our control. Please note all timings shown in the brochure are approximate and subject to change.
All planned routes are subject to gauging clearance, on occasion we might be required to revise the route.
In extreme weather conditions, such as heat waves, we may be restricted or forced to substitute steam haulage for diesel due to the high risks involved, in addition we may be permitted to operate with diesel assistance to reduce the risk of line side fires. In adverse conditions the train operating company, West Coast Railways, may feel the need to run with a diesel locomotive attached to the rear as a precaution.
The nature of steam trains is that breakdowns, delays and substitutions have to be accepted. Every genuine effort will be made to ensure that the tour runs as planned and advertised, or as close to it as possible. In the event of a failure/non-availability of the scheduled steam locomotive prior to departure of the trip, every best effort will be made to find a suitable steam locomotive as a replacement. However, if this is not possible and if there is insufficient time available to cancel or postpone the trip, then a diesel may be used as substitute. In such circumstances, outside of our control, acceptance of these terms signifies your acceptance of such a change and no refund will be due.
The organisers cannot accept responsibility for the options under the control of third parties and are only responsible for returning passengers to their joining stations.
Your booking is taken as constituting acceptance of these conditions. No refund or substitutions are available, other than due to cancellation by the organisers, which can happen on occasions. We will not be liable for any consequential loss you may suffer or pay any compensation to you.
Any amendments that you wish to make to your booking, will incur a £10 admin fee.
Due to the age and construction of our trains it is not possible to board whilst seated in a wheelchair, however we will be pleased to convey passengers of limited mobility whenever possible, provided they can step onto the train from the platform and move to their reserved seats with the help of an able-bodied carer, the wheelchair then being folded by you and stored at the end of the carriage. We are unable to convey mobility scooters or non-folding wheelchairs due to the age and design of the trains used. Due to timing restraints at joining stations all mobility issues which require the use of walking aids or impact a passenger's ability to board or disembark with ease must be confirmed and discussed prior to travel.
We are limited to only being able to provide a vegetarian dietary alternative, all other dietary requests are not available.
We recommend that during the winter months you travel wearing suitable layered clothing as the carriages on occasion can be cold. Although they are heated, unforeseen complications along with the nature of travelling by steam in vintage carriages can result in cooler conditions for passengers than modern trains.
All images shown on the website and within our brochure are for illustration purposes only and do not signify the exact routing of the train or the locomotive scheduled to haul the service.
N.B. – All timings shown are approximate and subject to change unless otherwise shown.
© 2025 | The Railway Touring Company Limited | Founded by Nigel Dobbing in 1997 | All rights reserved. This work remains the property of The Railway Touring Company Limited and may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, without permission. Website: LucidSynergy Ltd.